Tuesday 16 April 2013

Asp.Net: Bypass local proxy

How to bypass a local proxy when doing HttpWebRequests in dot.net?

Friday 5 April 2013

CSharp: setting private field reflection

How can I set the StackTrace property of an exception in c#?
Can I set a private field of an object in dot.net?

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Silverlight: get children of a control

How to get in Silverlight all children of a given control?
Get all children of a given type from a control in Silverlight 4?

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Silverlight: Cross domain WCF service calls


How to access a WCF service on domain A from a Silverlight application on domain B?
I have a silverlight app on localhost:8008 and a WCF service on localhost:8080. My silverlight app cannot access the WCF service. What can I do?