Monday, 28 March 2011

Dot.Net: Using Thread Local Storage

How to store and access thread specific static data in
I want my static data not shared between different threads. How do I do this?

This is called: using thread local storage (TLS)
You can either use the LocalDataStoreSlot or a static member with a ThreadStatic attribute.

Thread-relative static field perform much better, but you need to know at compile time what you want to store.
LocalDataStoreSlots can be created at runtime.

Store data in LocalDataStoreSlot
// allocate a named data slot

// get slot by name and set data
LocalDataStoreSlot myData = Thread.GetNamedDataSlot("myData");
Thread.SetData(myData , 321);

later we wanna read the data

LocalDataStoreSlot myData = Thread.GetNamedDataSlot("myData");
int myValue = (int)Thread.GetData(myData);

// free the data slot.

Store data in ThreadStaticAttribute
A static field marked with ThreadStaticAttribute is not shared between threads.
Each thread sees a different field.

public static string value;

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