Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Dot.Net: Delegates and Actions

What is the difference between delegates and actions in csharp.

Delegates are more general function objects.
You can create a delegate with a signature that you like or need.
An Action in
  • is just a short-cut to a delegate that has (zero to four in-arguemnts)
  • the return type is void.
  • supplies behavior - they do something.

Here is an example
TheWriter class can use your method to write something.
In order to pass it your method you must wrap your method inside a delegate.
Here we created a custom delegate CustomAction
public void Test()
public class TheWriter
    public delegate void CustomAction(string s);
    // This method writes using the custom delegate.
    public static void UseYourMethodToWrite(CustomAction write)
        write("Hello World again");

Same example with Action delegate.
public void Test()
public class TheWriter
    // This method writes using the custom delegate.
    public static void UseYourMethodToWrite(Action<string> write)
        write("Hello World again");

Action is a pre-cooked meal in programming ...

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