Thursday, 5 May 2011

Dot.Net: Asynch Method Call Sample

Do you have an example of a standard asynchronous method call with callback in CSharp ?
Any event driven asynchronous sample in ??

There are some simple ways to do it, called "fire and forget" (you don't wait for the completion of your method and you get no notification)
And then there is a more complex way to call methods asynchronously where you pass your asynchronous method call a callback function that is called on completion.

A typical usage sample
The idea here is, that you have a long running task and want to set it on a different thread. Once the task is completed you want to get a call that allows you to proceed with the results.

internal void Run()
    Console.WriteLine("Start Run");
    Calculator calc = new Calculator();
    calc.FindPrimeCompleted +=new EventHandler<FindPrimeCompletedEventArgs>(calc_FindPrimeCompleted);
    Console.WriteLine("Finished Run");


void calc_FindPrimeCompleted(object sender, FindPrimeCompletedEventArgs e)
    int result = e.Result;
    Console.WriteLine("The result is : " + result);
    if (e.Error != null)
        Console.WriteLine("Error : " + e.Error.Message);

// here is the arguments definition
public class FindPrimeCompletedEventArgs : AsyncCompletedEventArgs
    public int Result { get; private set; }

    public FindPrimeCompletedEventArgs(Exception err, bool cancelled, object userState, int res)
        : base(err, cancelled, userState)
        this.Result = res;

To make this work you have to create your worker class, add an event and a asynchronous method.

Follow these steps:
  1. 1) Create a simple method
  2. 2) Create an asynchronous method
  3. 3) Create a delegate instance for your asynch method
  4. 4) Create a callback instance with your method callback
  5. 4a) Create a callback function
  6. 5) Invoke delegate asynchronously
  7. 6a) Define event
  8. 6b) Implement event method

Here is an example
public class Calculator
    private readonly object _sync = new object();
    private bool _busy;
    // 1) simple method
    private int FindPrime(int x)
        // fake prime search
        //throw new ApplicationException("Very BAD error");
        return x * 11 -1;
    // 2) asynchronous method
    public void FindPrimeAsync(int x)
        // 3) create delegate
        Func<int, int> worker = new Func<int, int>(FindPrime);
        // 4) create a callback instance with your method callback
        AsyncCallback completedCallback = new AsyncCallback(FindPrimeCompletedCallback);
        // AsyncOperation is responsable to marshal the calls to the appropriate thread or context.
        // you can pass a UserSuppliedState object to uniquely identify your asynchronous operation
        AsyncOperation async = AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation(null);
        // 5) invoke delegate asynchronously, passing the orignial arguemnt(s) x, and then the completedCallback and AsyncOperation manager
        worker.BeginInvoke(x, completedCallback, async);

    // 4a Create a callback function
    private void FindPrimeCompletedCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
        Func<int, int> worker = (Func<int, int>)((AsyncResult)ar).AsyncDelegate;
        AsyncOperation async = (AsyncOperation)ar.AsyncState;
        Exception err = null;
        bool cancelled = false;
        object userState = null;
        int res = 0;

        // finish the asynchronous operation and get result
            res = worker.EndInvoke(ar);
        catch (Exception ex)
            err = ex;

        // raise the completed event
        FindPrimeCompletedEventArgs completedArgs = new FindPrimeCompletedEventArgs(err, cancelled, userState, res);
        async.PostOperationCompleted( e => OnFindPrimeCompleted((FindPrimeCompletedEventArgs)e), completedArgs);

    // 6b) Implement event method
    protected virtual void OnFindPrimeCompleted(FindPrimeCompletedEventArgs e)
        if (FindPrimeCompleted != null)
            FindPrimeCompleted(this, e);
    // 6a) Define event
    public event EventHandler<FindPrimeCompletedEventArgs> FindPrimeCompleted;


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