Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Linq: Aggregate string array to string

I want to concatenate all strings of an array using Linq. How to?
How to use the aggregate method with enumerables of string?

You can use the Aggregate method of the IEnumerable<string> (include using System.Linq)

  1. First argument is the seed : use a StringBuilder
  2. Second argument is the cumulation function : use a delegate that appends each string in the enumerable to the StringBuilder.
  3. Third argument is the selector function: use a delegate that gets the result from the StringBuilder.

Here is the sample code
string[] parts = new string[] {"eins","zwei","drei"};
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

string inListString = parts.Aggregate(
    (sum, part) => sum.AppendFormat("'{0}',", part), 
    sum => sum.ToString().TrimEnd(',') 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

String.Join(",", parts);

He he !