Thursday 22 September 2011

Dot.Net: How to write RSS date format in CSharp

In a RSS feed I need to write dates in the format RFC #822. How do I do this?
How to write a string in the RFC 1123 format??

The Request for Comment 822 is the ARPA INTERNET TEXT MESSAGES specification.
The RFC 1123 (Requirements for Internet Hosts) is using the RFC 822.

The format looks like this:  "Sun, 15 Jun 2008 21:15:07 GMT"

In c# you can format your date this way using the 'r' (for RFC) format string:
   DateTime pubDate = DateTime.Now;
   string s = pubDate.ToString("r");

That is the same as if you would write:
   DateTime pubDate = DateTime.Now;
   string s = pubDate.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'");

Another useful format for dates is the sortable date format. (2009-06-15T13:45:30)
Use the 's' format string to get this.
   DateTime pubDate = DateTime.Now;
   string s = pubDate.ToString("s");

There are many other format strings you can use.

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