Monday, 17 September 2012

CSharp: Slice in CSharp

Is there an equivalent to the Python slice method in c#?
How to slice in c#?

You can use the Substring method of the String class or try a linq skip, take, concat approch.

Here is an example using Substring
/// Returns a save substring from index start to index end (excluded)
/// if the end index exceeds the length the the method returns only the remaining chars.
/// start index
/// end index, is an outer bound, easier to calculate
public static string Slice(this string gstr, int startIncluded, int endExcluded)
 string result = "";
 if(! string.IsNullOrEmpty(gstr) &&
  startIncluded <= endExcluded)
  if (endExcluded > gstr.Length)
   endExcluded = gstr.Length;
  result = gstr.Substring(startIncluded, endExcluded - startIncluded);
 return result;

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